LPint Consulting LLC
Websites for community theatres and small businesses

My Story
After many years in the IT industry, first as a computer technician and later as a self-unemployed computer programmer, I finally retired a few years ago. Since then I have changed my professional focus to helping community theatres, small businesses and similar organizations design and maintain up-to-date websites that meet their needs while being easy to use, and doing so at an affordable price. That's why I founded LPint Consulting.
Over the years I gained valuable experience as the webmaster for several organizations and companies, including:
Minnesota Association of Community Theatres, MACT - using a CMS (www.MACT.net) and www.MN-ACT.net a new website under development for MACT built using Wordpress and EventPrime and hosted by Hostinger.com
Hilltop Hall, a performance facility - using free Wordpress hosting (HilltopHall.Wordpress.com)
New Prague POPS (Praha Outdoor Performance Stage), a local non-profit - using WIX hosting (NPPOPS.org)
MN Music, a website for local musicians and music groups to sell their music - using wix hosting (MNMusic.net).
FungusAmongus Players, a website that I maintain for a community theatre - using Squarespace hosting (www.FungusAmongusPlayers.org)
Delano Dramatic Company, a website I designed and maintain for a community theatre - using goDaddy hosting (www.DelanoDramaticCo.org)
AACT Region V Association, A website - using WIX free hosting (lpintconsulting.wixsite.com/aact-region-v)
and more.
Content management on a website is a never ending chore.
Auditions and performances come and go.
Seasons are designed (and maybe changed).
Other events come and go.
You don't want your website to be displaying old content that is not applicable anymore.
LPint Consulting is here to lighten your load.
I have years of experience working with community theatres in almost every capacity.
I bring my passion for creative, easy to use websites.
I will use these talents to create a tailor-made website that fits the needs
of your organization and your audience.
I have created website using the DataFlex Content Management System (formerly called Electos), Wordpress, WIX, Squarespace and GoDaddy.
​I’ve been serving clients as a computer programmer for over 30 years.
What are you waiting for? Contact me to see what LPint Consulting can do for you.